Alexia Kyparissou

There is something wonderful about putting what is inside into the exterior world at large. This is a compilation of life changing information I have come across. Content that has brought enlightenment into what it means to live well.

Balancing the inner (mind and spirit), the intermediary (body) and the outer world brings so much satisfaction. It brings our fragments together and allows us to live holistically and with intention.

Great passion for all things that expand the mind; that give insight into understanding ourselves and our bodies; and for finding ways to make our interactions with the outer world smooth, effortless and most importantly, pleasurable. We can design the life we want to live.

Everything on this site is to be assessed and only taken on if it rings true for you. If it does not, you should move on and let it go. There is so much information out there, and the right fit is but a click away.

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